Tuesday, November 1, 2011


For this lab we watched a video discussing the history of the "Megaflood" that occurred in the scablands of America's West thousands of years ago. This flood happened when an extremely dense and tall glacier acted as somewhat of a dam for a body of water. This theory was first brought up in the 1930's, but was immediately dismissed as being a ludicrous idea. As more and more evidence piled up, it seemed that not only did this megaflood occur, but there were multiple floods of this magnitude. This picture shows some of the rock structures that are found in the scablands that help support this theory of a "megaflood". By the erosion of these rocks, scientists are able to detect the ferocity and volume of water that was able to do this.  I found this video to be quite interesting because I had never heard of something like this before, if you don't include the stories found in Genesis.

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