Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Darwin's Dilemma

For this lab we watched a movie called "Darwin's Dilemma" which was discussing evolution and Charles Darwin. This video is the greatest refutation of Darwin's theory that evolution is a gradual process over millions of years. Darwin hoped that future scientists would be able to piece together his theory and make it stronger, provided that there was evidence.
What this video shows, however, is the "explosion" of complex organisms which later became known as the "cambrian explosion" in the scientific community. What this was, was that in an extremely short time (in terms of the earth), hundreds of new and complex organisms appeared on the Earth that weren't there before. One thing that I found interesting was the analogy of a clock used to describe this rapid growth. If the whole planet was determined in a 24 hour period, the first 18 hours would still be simple, one-celled organisms. Within TWO minutes, all the organisms, complex and simple, would be created. That is how rapid this "cambrian explosion" was. This movie was dry at times, but overall pretty interesting because this was a part of evolution and science that I had never heard before.

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